Step 1
Complete the Adventist Verification Screening (Training and Background Check)
Step 2
Log into Adventist Verification Screening and retrieve your Background Check Completion Date
Step 3
Request your personal account at
Step 4
Wait for office approval
(7-10 business days)
Returning Director/Secretary
Step 1
Verify your Adventist Verification Screening. If expired, renew before proceeding.
Call 855-326-1860 for password support
Step 2
Log into Adventist Verification Screening and retrieve your Background Check Completion Date
Step 3
Request your personal account at
Step 4
Wait for office approval
(7-10 business days)
Note: Master Guide clubs follow the school year generally from August to June.
If you are requesting a New Account or your existing account to be Re-Activated
What to do while I wait for my account to be activated?
Make sure ALL your staff is appropriately background checked nadadventist.org/asv.
Pre-plan your club year (meetings/events/special Sabbath programs) and get dates the church board approved.
Purchase curriculum materials from the Texas Conference or AdventSource.
Get familiar with the following documents:
Child Protection and Screening Policies
Field Trip Risk Checklist
Personal Injury Claim Form
Camp Safety Inspection Form
Automobile Loss Claim Form
Need help with YMMS?
1. Check out our step-by-step tutorials
2. Visit the YMMS Help Website
3. Click on the YMMS Support Chat in (M-T 8:30 am – 5:30 pm, F 8:30 am – 4:30 pm)
Background screening verification sample.

Includes the following:
Create an account
Add members to your club
Re-activate or remove a club member,
Add events to your calendar
Change or delete an event
Print the calendar
Create a class
Assign members to the class
Record Club Member’s Class Level Progress
Check Class Level Progress
Update Past Director/Secretary Status/Role
Give access to Parents and Club Staff
Navigate Using Parent or Club Staff Access
English | Spanish
Includes the following:
Create an account
Add members to your club
Re-activate or remove a club member,
Add events to your calendar
Change or delete an event
Print the calendar
Create a class
Assign members to the class
Record Club Member’s Class Level Progress
Check Class Level Progress
Update Past Director/Secretary Status/Role
Give access to Parents and Club Staff
Navigate Using Parent or Club Staff Access