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What Is Empower Training?


Empower is leadership training designed to help improve your effectiveness in reaching the children, youth, and young adults who are the focus of your chosen area of ministry. The training aims to improve organizational skills, share ideas, foster imagination, and creativity, prompt ingenuity in teaching, and encourage social connections with others who are also leading out in their local church. We use the AYMT framework for our seminars and Master Guide curriculum.


What is AYMT?

Adventist Youth Ministries Training (AYMT) is a curriculum of learning designed to provide role-specific training for club staff members. While its primary targets are those who have been invested as Master Guides, it also provides structured training for staff who have not yet earned their Master Guide class and some direct connection to the Master Guide Curriculum.


It is essential for all church workers, both professional and volunteer, to continue learning, be familiar with current trends, and make training part of their lifestyle. The purpose of AYMT is to provide the framework for that lifelong training.


The AYMT framework provides for standardized departments, seminar nomenclature, and descriptions. These seminars and related fieldwork are then organized into certification programs as approved by the appropriate North American Division Youth Ministry (NAD) committee with General Conference participation. The system is designed to allow flexibility in many areas and provides opportunities for unions and conferences to develop additional certifications and seminars that meet their specific needs.


Empower 2023

We are done with most areas, the only area left is KFW. Please check with the area coordinator if you need to attend


Next Empower 2024

Will be provided by the area during the summer months. Please check with your area coordinator for the date(s) 



III. Skills development Seminars

  1. How to Be a Christian Leader & Leadership Skills

  2. Vision, Mission, and Motivation

  3. Communication Theory and Listening Skills

  4. Practical Communication Practices

  5. Understanding Teaching and Learning Styles

  6. Creativity and Resources Development

  7. How to Prepare Effective Creative Worships

  8. Principles of Youth and Children’s Evangelism

  9. How to Lead a Child to Christ j. Understanding Your Spiritual Gifts


Director Track

  1. Master Guides Club Organization | MGAD 001

  2. Master Guides Programming, and Planning | MGAD 002

  3. Teaching Master Guides Investiture Requirements | EDUC 300

  4. Introduction to Leadership Skills | LEAD 001

  5. The Conference and Your Local Church Board | LEAD 122

  6. Introduction to Recruiting, Screening, and Training Staff | LEAD 150

  7. Medical, Risk Management, and Safety | MEDI 100

  8. Reports, Records, and Merit Systems—PFAD 140



Secretary/Treasurer Track (coming soon)


Mountain Cliff Hiker


Empower Your Life: The Master Guides program and tracks will help you maximize goals, rediscover purpose, and more.

Access the Instructors page 
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College Students


If you are attending Empower 2022, you will have access to PowerPoints, handouts, and information provided during the training.
Access the Student page

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